Development of innovative multilevel formation programs for the new water leading professionals in South East Asia (INOWASIA)

INOWASIA pretends to train this new generation of young Southeast Asian (SEA) water professionals with a strong and multidisciplinary background in sustainable water management, with a global view of the sector current and future challenges but with a specific approach to the local demands, and the required soft skills to join and lead the water sector market.



Project Title

Development of innovative multilevel formation programs for the new water leading professionals in South East Asia (INOWASIA)

Project Partners

-      University of Girona (UdG)

-      Fundació Solidaritat - University of Barcelona (FSUB)

-      World University Service of the Mediterranean (WUSMED)

-      Université Paul Sabatier Toulouse III (UT3)

-      Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD)

-      Hanoi University of Sciences - National University of Hanoi (HUS)

-      Can Tho University (CTU)

-      Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC)

-      National University of Battambang (NUBB)

-      National University of Laos (NUOL)

-      Souphanouvong University (SU)

Funding Sponsor

EU’s Erasmus+

Budget (USD)

946.752 €

Project Coordinator

University of Girona (UdG)

Local Coordinator

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Vo Chau Ngan

Project Period

Jan 2021 - Jan 2024

Overall Objective

INOWASIA pretends to train this new generation of young Southeast Asian (SEA) water professionals with a strong and multidisciplinary background in sustainable water management, with a global view of the sector current and future challenges but with a specific approach to the local demands, and the required soft skills to join and lead the water sector market.

Specific Objectives

-      To develop basic and advanced water courses and implement them in the existing master’s degrees and PhD programs in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) from Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam.

-      To train students and teachers, and promote the implementation of innovative hybrid methods, combining on-line formation with problem-based learning, a student-centred educational methodology that promotes the development of personal abilities and skills.

-      Design Water Oriented Living Labs in the campus of each HEI from our Southeast Asia partners to implement real-life water demo sites and create a multi-stakeholder virtual network.

-      To foster entrepreneur and business culture among the students and future young water professionals through field trips, short visits to success cases among local initiatives, and long stay internships in water companies and administrations.

-      To create an international multilevel network of students, academics, professionals, and stakeholders in the field of water resources to encourage cross-disciplinary collaboration to find new and creative solutions to water challenges.



-      Complementary courses in the field of integrated and innovative water resources management and sustainable development, in accordance with EU and international standards and aligned with the EU Bologna educational approach.

-      Modernise HEIs curricula on water management issues and to improve student competences and skills in regards of future water professionals.

-      Transnational internships of best students and staff into European or Asia’s HEIs, in order to receive specific formation on the innovative technologies implemented, and attend specific academic sessions.

-      Create an international (EU and SEA countries) multilevel network of postgraduate students, professors and water professionals to reinforce Master’s and PhD’s curricula in the three critical economic aspects related to water in SEA (sanitation, agriculture and tourism).


1.    More than 50 academic teachers will be trained in advanced water contents and Problem Based Learning (PBL) methodology to improve teachers abilities in the PCs.

2.    More than 5 basic knowledge courses and more than 10 advanced courses will be defined, accredited and implemented to increase of water content in postgraduate programs.

3.    Highly qualified young professionals in the regional water management sector with total amount of at least 90 graduated per master edition (15 per PC HEI), 50% employment rate within the first 6 month after graduation.

4.    Close collaboration between HEIs and public and private stakeholders through more than 2 external stakeholders participation of at least 5 courses, an additional 5 stakeholders affiliated to the network per country and year.

5.    Living lab platform on the campus of each HEIs and virtual network with 5 students formed in implemented water living lab per year, and at least 5 stakeholders visiting the living lab (or connected through the virtual network) per year for each HEIs.

6.    Consolidation of mobility measures as means of internationalisation efforts with 4 students and 2 teachers per PC HEI and 4 teachers per EU HEI

Project website

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